Sent as missionaries to the largest mission field in America, your school.
Using a football analogy, students are the players on the field.
The students are on the greatest mission field in America: a school. Engaged in the middle of the “game,” students are the players we are here to train, pray for, and support, just as we do for foreign missionaries. The HOPE Manual (a First Priority resource) gives the student missionaries the action steps and direction they need to reach out to their peers at school. Each month it helps them focus on a group and share the message of Jesus Christ with unbelieving students.
Students, you have more influence in the life of your friends than you think. As a Christian, you have the ability to be salt and light to those around you. Salt, on a wound, can hurt. It also keeps bacteria out. Light when shown on a dark path, brings peace and security to the direction you are taking. Would you like to bring peace and security to the lives of your friends? Would you like to help them take the spiritual infections out of their life?
First Priority gives you the opportunity to do that with a group of fellow believers at school. It is hard to go alone in life. But there are [probably] more students who call themselves Christian at your school than any other group. What if you all worked together to be salt and light to bring hope and joy to the life of every student in your school?